Fluorine-doped SnO2 thin film as chemiresistive gas sensor for room temperature monitoring of fish freshness
Pure and fluorine-doped tin oxide films were prepared using nebulized spray pyrolysis. X-ray diraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analyses confirmed the nanocrystalline tetragonal structure of the prepared films. The gas sensing response of the films towards actual fish vapors of varying freshness level was then investigated. Higher sensitivity was observed in the fluorinated tin oxide film compared to the undoped film. Moreover, the degree of the films sensitivity was observed to be proportional to the extent of
the fish spoilage. The results suggest that fluorinated tin oxide can be applied for room temperature monitoring of fish freshness.
How to Cite
LIM Ballesteros, CJ Vergara, and A Somintac, Fluorine-doped SnO2 thin film as chemiresistive gas sensor for room temperature monitoring of fish freshness, PISIKA - Journal of the Physics Society of the Philippines 1, 10 (2019). URL: https://paperview.spp-online.org/pisika/article/view/01a18.10.