Strength and fracture analysis of polymer-granular matter composites at variable weight percent ratios


  • Carlos Intalan Encarnacion ⋅ PH Ateneo de Manila University
  • Joel Tiu Maquiling ⋅ PH Geophysics Research Laboratory, Department of Physics, School of Science and Engineering, Ateneo de Manila University, Philippines



In this study, the optimal weight percent ratio of resin and aggregate for a polymer-granular matter composite
(PGMC) was determined in terms of its compressive strength. The PGMC was made with polyester for its
resin, and white sand as its aggregate. The weight percent ratios of the PGMC varied as follows: 15:85, 20:80,
and 25:75 for resin and aggregate respectively. The PGMC specimens underwent a compression test after
a curing period of seven days at room temperature to determine its compression strength. Results indicate
that the PGMC with weight percent ratio 25:75 had the highest average compression strength at 76.4 MPa
which is more than twice the strength of cement-based concrete. The 15:85 and 20:80 PGMCs yielded average
compression strengths of 19.8 MPa and 60.8 MPa respectively. The most common fracture type for the PGMCs
having weight percent ratios 20:80 and 25:75 was shear, occurring 83.3% of the time. On the other hand, the
PGMC having weight percent ratio 15:85 displayed shear wedge fracture for five of the six trials.



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How to Cite

CI Encarnacion and JT Maquiling, Strength and fracture analysis of polymer-granular matter composites at variable weight percent ratios, PISIKA - Journal of the Physics Society of the Philippines 1, 08 (2018). URL: